12MP: MDV pledges to accelerate efforts in financing green technology projects

Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad (MDV) will continue to accelerate its efforts in supporting the green technology sector’s growth via improved and affordable access to financing for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) towards supporting the achievement of the Government’s green growth target as outlined in the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) (2021-2025), which was tabled by the Prime Minister recently.

In a statement, MDV’s Chairman, Khairul Azwan Harun said that the comprehensive five-year plan with nine main focus areas provides a strategic direction for the nation to achieve, among others, a sustainable economic growth trajectory, socio-economic inclusivity and environmental sustainability.

Under the green growth initiative, for example, the government is adopting a ‘whole-of-nation’ approach in which financial services sector will play a key role in green or value-based capital to accelerate the adoption of sustainable business practices.

The Government’s focus in Green Growth is crucial to ensure that socioeconomic development will be pursued more sustainably, which is vital in the preservation of natural resources, protection of the environment and in raising the quality of lives of Malaysians as a whole.

“As a technology financier, MDV’s capacity to contribute to the success of the 12MP, particularly in the area of green growth, through specialised financing solutions for green technology players in the market, is immense.

“Our reputation as one of the pioneers and leaders in green technology financing as well as our expertise in financing Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) projects would be invaluable to the achievement of the green growth target under the 12MP.

“To-date, MDV has successfully financed more than 100 green technology-related companies at a combined amount of RM1.34 billion in financing,” explained Azwan.

Azwan added that as part of MDV’s strategic plan, moving forward, MDV will widen its financing focus across all technology sectors, particularly those that are rapidly growing in importance such as agri-tech and med-tech, which augurs well with the objectives of the 12MP.



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