MIDA launches enhanced JPC online application module

The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) has updated the online module for customs duties exemption applications or better known as JPC Online Application Module, yesterday.

Companies will be able to submit their new, extension, additional quantity, amendment and appeal applications for import duty and sales tax exemption on raw materials or components for activities in the manufacturing sector as well as import duty and sales tax exemption on machinery or equipment for selected activities in the agriculture and services sectors, online.

“Businesses need to make bold moves forward with technology to stay competitive. At MIDA, we are also keeping up with the agile ways of working by providing more digital services to assist our stakeholders in real-time.

“The enhanced JPC Online Application Module is part of MIDA’s digital transformation initiative or Enterprise Transformation System (e-TRANS) to re-engineer our business processes to raise the efficiency of the various functions of the organisation. This module will also be integrated and accessible by related Ministries and Agencies to ensure a seamless flow of data and information.

“It is well assimilated with the Royal Malaysian Customs Department’s uCustoms system and is set to increase the ease of doing business for stakeholders,” said Chief Executive Officer of MIDA, Datuk Azman Mahmud.

“The tax exemptions facility provides more flexibility in terms of cash flows for companies. Meanwhile, the automation of applications will significantly reduce the processing period for investors. These initiatives will help companies to focus and prioritise on implementing their projects,” added the CEO of MIDA.

This enhanced JPC Online Application Module can be accessed via https:// investmalaysia.mida.gov.my.


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