TikTok, the short-form video app with a mission to inspire creativity and bring joy, revealed for the first time ever, insights into the shifting consumerism landscape, and how this affects brands during the Ramadan season.
TikTok highlighted that in Malaysia, Ramadan shopping habits have changed, and that 28 per cent of consumers shop more online, while 23 per cent buy more each time.
Unsurprisingly, this means that consumers are spending more time online, with close to 3.5 billion minutes spent on shopping apps during the Ramadan season.
Imran Khan, Marketing Communications Manager, SEA elaborates, “As we close in on an entire year of adapting to the new normal, we see that the spirit of Ramadan lives on in spite of social distancing and imposed movement control orders nationwide. Regardless of the situation, people still turn online to help them celebrate Ramadan and Hari Raya.
“This same sense of camaraderie and togetherness is also seen within our diverse community of users through challenges like #kongsikebaikan, where TikTok users inspire each other in contributing back to the community, all in the spirit of Ramadan,” he said.
TikTok says that its platform is open to brands of all sizes, including small and medium businesses (SMBs) and with over 98 per cent of businesses in Malaysia represented by SMBs, TikTok may just be what these businesses need given the current economic situation.