The Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) is targeting 2,900 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to participate in its eTRADE programme as their first step into e-commerce by next year.
Deputy chief executive officer Sharimahton Mat Saleh said as of April 2019, about 2,067 SMEs had benefited from the programme.
“The rate of applications, we hope, will increase because we really think this is a game-changer as e-commerce is the way for SMEs to future-proof your businesses,” she told reporters after a talk entitled, “Paving the Way to Cross-Border E-commerce” here recently.
The eTRADE programme is part of MATRADE’s initiatives to increase the export contribution of SMEs from the current 17.8 per cent to 23 per cent by 2020.
Under the programme, the SMEs are provided RM5,000 financial facilitation to support the initial cost for them to export via online platforms, with the amount able to cover costs such as photography, listing and translation fees as well as digital marketing.
The programme also offers different types of training for participants by collaborating with 20 e-marketplaces listed under the programme.
Sharimahton said eTRADE was important with many SMEs still hesitant to venture into e-commerce due to the lack of understanding on how they can manage the challenges when exporting online. – BERNAMA